发布于 6 年前 作者 crazyyanchao 3915 次浏览 来自 问答


MATCH (n:账号)
WITH collect(n) as nodes
CALL apoc.algo.pageRank(nodes) YIELD node,score
SET node.influenceScore=score


CALL apoc.periodic.iterate('MATCH (n:账号)
WITH collect(n) as nodes RETURN nodes', 'WITH {nodes} as n CALL apoc.algo.pageRank(n) YIELD node,score
SET node.influenceScore=score', {batchSize:10,parallel:true})

使用第一个语句在数据量几十万的时候还勉强可以出来结果,但是数据量上百万的时候执行就不行了,急急急急寻找解决办法,求指点?!另外我是本地测试的数据库,当浏览器执行上述过程时卡死后,刷新或者打开新的页面会有链接不了数据库的情况,是什么原因呢?点击STOP没有响应 TIM截图20180920093138.png

7 回复


Maybe your heap size is not large enough. If you have enough memory size, you can size up this parameter and try. I dont use its API to compute the pagerank, instead i use spark to compute it. Because the way of computing pagerank in neo4j is not what i want, i need to make some modification on it. And if you have lots of data, neo4j will take a very long time to compute it, which is anoying. So i choose spark to implement this modificated algorithm and it will take less time to compute it because spark is a distributed computing system.

@kingofneo4j 这个意思就是我可以使用spark在neo4j数据集上计算pagerank得分吗?

@crazyyanchao Yes, with spark graphx. But u need to do the following thing:

  1. load the data of neo4j into spark cluster
  2. and then compute it with spark cluster.
  3. And lastly, u just need to write back the data into neo4j.

This is how im doing to compute pagerank

@kingofneo4j 如果这样做,那我是不是需要额外花费更多的资源,比如需要先搭建一个spark集群,但是这个集群只用来计算这个PageRank得分是不是有点浪费?能不能直接把spark的图计算框架用在neo4j上面?


CALL algo.pageRank(‘账号’, null, {iterations:20, dampingFactor:0.85, write: true,writeProperty:“pagerank”}) YIELD nodes, iterations, loadMillis, computeMillis, writeMillis, dampingFactor, write, writeProperty


graphway老师的回复需要安装额外的算法包才能正常使用,而且apoc.*的算法包优化没有单独的算法包好,官方推荐使用特别优化的算法包,在这里下载: https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/neo4j-graph-algorithms/tree/3.4#efficient-graph-algorithms-for-neo4j 另外使用优化的算法包计算几百万节点也不会很慢
