发布于 7 年前 作者 crazyyanchao 2739 次浏览 来自 问答

想请教一下这个报错是什么原因引起的? TIM截图21111111111111111111111110180803154501.png 修改pom.xml:




                    <!-- Neo4j Procedures require Java 8 -->
                <!-- This generates a jar-file with our procedure code,
                     plus any dependencies marked as `compile` scope.
                     This should then be deployed in the `plugins` directory
                     of each Neo4j instance in your deployment.
                     After a restart, the procedure is available for calling. -->



9 回复


@pangguoming 我加的是这样procedures是当前类的包名,完整包名是com.***.procedures

@UserFunction( name = “procedures.hello”)



            <!-- This gives us the Procedure API our runtime code uses.
                 We have a `provided` scope on it, because when this is
                 deployed in a Neo4j Instance, the API will be provided
                 by Neo4j. If you add non-Neo4j dependencies to this
                 project, their scope should normally be `compile` -->

        <!-- Test Dependencies -->
            <!-- This is used for a utility that lets us start Neo4j with
                 a specific Procedure, which is nice for writing tests. -->

            <!-- Used to send cypher statements to our procedure. -->


                    <!-- Neo4j Procedures require Java 8 -->
                <!-- This generates a jar-file with our procedure code,
                     plus any dependencies marked as `compile` scope.
                     This should then be deployed in the `plugins` directory
                     of each Neo4j instance in your deployment.
                     After a restart, the procedure is available for calling. -->

我是 创建的JAVA包名为:com.pangguoming.neo4j,然后@userFunction(com.pangguoming.neo4j) 完全一致,没有问题的,你都改成这样试试

@pangguoming 请教一下,过程与函数有什么区别和联系?现在直到如何自定义过程和函数了,但是它们的本质还是没有搞清楚!能否详细解释一下?

@pangguoming 我有些查询比较慢,能否使用自定义函数优化?能否分享更多的自定义过程和函数的例子?

过程就是用 Call com.xxxx.xx (参数)来调用执行。 方法就是 可以用在 cypher中任何可以使用方法的地方如 where字句 return字句 中 如match (n) wehre return n

可以发一个完成的项目吗? 我在写自定义存储过程的时候老是报错,想和你的对比一下。

