求工具类,把record 转成 node(自定义的Node类) ,再转成对应的实体类
发布于 5 年前 作者 guozeqiang 1201 次浏览 来自 问答

想要一个工具类,先把record 转成 node(自定义的Node类) ,再转成对应的实体类 Node结构如下: public class NodeDo { private Iterable<String> labels ; private Long id ; private Map properties ; } 实体类如下: public class SystemDo { private Long id ; private String NAME ; private Map entity ; } 希望能得到帮助。 thanks

2 回复


     * @param driver:传入NEO4J_JAVA驱动
     * @param statement:cypher
     * @return
     * @Description: TODO(检索)
    public static JSONObject searcher(Driver driver, String statement) {
        if (OngdbHeartBeat.isRegister()) {
            driver = NeoAccessor.ongdbHeartBeat.getReaderBlotMappingLocalDriver();
        long startMill = System.currentTimeMillis();

        JSONObject results = new JSONObject();
        JSONArray resultArray = new JSONArray();
        JSONObject arrayObject = new JSONObject();

        JSONArray columns = new JSONArray();
        JSONArray data = new JSONArray();
        JSONObject dataObject = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject graph = new JSONObject();

        JSONArray relationships = new JSONArray();
        JSONArray nodes = new JSONArray();
        JSONArray properties = new JSONArray();

        try (Session session = driver.session()) {
            // Auto-commit transactions are a quick and easy way to wrap a read.

            Result result = session.run(statement);
            // Each Cypher execution returns a stream of records.
            while (result.hasNext()) {
                Record record = result.next();
                // Values can be extracted from a record by index or name.

                List<Pair<String, Value>> list = record.fields();

                JSONObject propertiesPack = new JSONObject();
                for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
                    Pair<String, Value> stringValuePair = list.get(i);
                    if (!columns.contains(stringValuePair.key())) {
                    Value value = stringValuePair.value();
                    if (value instanceof NodeValue) {
                        JSONObject objectNode = packNode(value.asNode());
                        if (!nodes.contains(objectNode)) {
                    } else if (value instanceof PathValue) {

                        JSONArray objectNodes = packNodeByPath(value.asPath());
                        objectNodes.forEach(node -> {
                            JSONObject nodeObj = (JSONObject) node;
                            if (!nodes.contains(nodeObj)) {

                        JSONArray objectRelas = packRelations(value.asPath());
                        objectRelas.forEach(relation -> {
                            JSONObject relationObj = (JSONObject) relation;
                            if (!relationships.contains(relationObj)) {
                    } else {
                if (!propertiesPack.isEmpty()) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        graph.put("relationships", relationships);
        graph.put("nodes", nodes);
        graph.put("properties", properties);
        dataObject.put("graph", graph);
        arrayObject.put("data", data);
        arrayObject.put("columns", columns);
        results.put("results", resultArray);
        results.put("totalNodeSize", nodes.size());
        results.put("totalRelationSize", relationships.size());

        long stopMill = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long consume = (stopMill - startMill) / Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(TimeUnit.MILL_SECOND_CV.getSymbolValue()));
        logger.info("Neo4j driver searcher success!consume:" + consume + "s");
        return results;

    private static JSONObject packStringValuePair(Pair<String, Value> stringValuePair) {
        String key = stringValuePair.key();
        Value value = stringValuePair.value();
        JSONObject object = new JSONObject();
        if (value instanceof BooleanValue) {
            object.put(key, value.asBoolean());
        } else if (value instanceof FloatValue) {
            object.put(key, value.asFloat());
        } else if (value instanceof IntegerValue) {
            // object.put(key, value.asInt());
            object.put(key, value.asLong());
        } else if (value instanceof ListValue) {
            object.put(key, value.asList());
        } else {
            object.put(key, value.asString());
        return object;

    private static JSONArray packRelations(Path path) {
        JSONArray arrayRelations = new JSONArray();
        for (Relationship relationship : path.relationships()) {
        return arrayRelations;

    private static JSONObject packRelation(Relationship relationship) {
        JSONObject currentRelation = new JSONObject();
        currentRelation.put("startNode", relationship.startNodeId());
        currentRelation.put("id", relationship.id());
        currentRelation.put("type", relationship.type());
        currentRelation.put("endNode", relationship.endNodeId());
        currentRelation.put("properties", JSONObject.parseObject(JSON.toJSONString(relationship.asMap())));
        return currentRelation;

    private static JSONArray packNodeByPath(Path path) {
        JSONArray pathNodes = new JSONArray();
        for (Node node : path.nodes()) {
        return pathNodes;

    private static JSONObject packNode(Node node) {
        JSONObject currentNode = new JSONObject();
        currentNode.put("id", node.id());
        currentNode.put("properties", JSONObject.parseObject(JSON.toJSONString(node.asMap())));
        currentNode.put("labels", JSONArray.parseArray(JSON.toJSONString(node.labels())));
        return currentNode;

@crazyyanchao 您好,您的做法是可以的,但不符合我这里的使用场景,谢谢~
