neo4j 所占内存越来越大,what the hell is wrong with it?
发布于 6 年前 作者 kingofneo4j 3687 次浏览 最后一次编辑是 4 年前 来自 问答

Recently, 我一直在增量大数据进入neo4j,但是我的内存是有限的,所以我在neo4j.conf 里配置了这个参数: dbms.memory.pagecache.size=7g 也就是说我允许最大的pagecache的大小是7g,但是当我在命令行运行这个命令的时候,奇怪的事情发生了,如下:

[zhengguanlong@pro3 bin]$ ./neo4j-admin memrec --database=graph.db
# Memory settings recommendation from neo4j-admin memrec:
# Assuming the system is dedicated to running Neo4j and has 32000m of memory,
# we recommend a heap size of around 11900m, and a page cache of around 12100m,
# and that about 8000m is left for the operating system, and the native memory
# needed by Lucene and Netty.
# Tip: If the indexing storage use is high, e.g. there are many indexes or most
# data indexed, then it might advantageous to leave more memory for the
# operating system.
# Tip: The more concurrent transactions your workload has and the more updates
# they do, the more heap memory you will need. However, don't allocate more
# than 31g of heap, since this will disable pointer compression, also known as
# "compressed oops", in the JVM and make less effective use of the heap.
# Tip: Setting the initial and the max heap size to the same value means the
# JVM will never need to change the heap size. Changing the heap size otherwise
# involves a full GC, which is desirable to avoid.
# Based on the above, the following memory settings are recommended:
# The numbers below have been derived based on your current data volume in database and index configuration of database 'graph.db'.
# They can be used as an input into more detailed memory analysis.
# Lucene indexes: 430.0
# Data volume and native indexes: 19600m

从最后一行可以看出pagecache占用的大小已经大于19g了,而且这个东西一直在增加,照这样下去,内存岂不是要爆掉? So, what the hell is wrong with this? Or 我的理解错了? 我也是按照官方配的啊? 哪位大神,Help!!!

2 回复

Data volume and native indexes 这个不是说 是pagecache 啊。是说数据和索引的空间占用了19g!!!

