1.能详细说说每个参数的用法吗? 2.比如我想要返回的单个path不产生回路,比如:D1到A1的路径不能出现D1-A1-B1-A1,即某个点只能路过一次,应该用哪个参数?NODE_LEVEL?NODE_PATH?
value description RELATIONSHIP_PATH
For each returned node there’s a (relationship wise) unique path from the start node to it. This is Cypher’s default expansion mode.
A node cannot be traversed more than once. This is what the legacy traversal framework does.
Entities on the same level are guaranteed to be unique.
For each returned node there’s a unique path from the start node to it.
This is like NODE_GLOBAL, but only guarantees uniqueness among the most recent visited nodes, with a configurable count. Traversing a huge graph is quite memory intensive in that it keeps track of all the nodes it has visited. For huge graphs a traverser can hog all the memory in the JVM, causing OutOfMemoryError. Together with this Uniqueness you can supply a count, which is the number of most recent visited nodes. This can cause a node to be visited more than once, but scales infinitely.
A relationship cannot be traversed more than once, whereas nodes can.
Entities on the same level are guaranteed to be unique.
Same as for NODE_RECENT, but for relationships.
No restriction (the user will have to manage it)